This week I had the pleasure of talking with Matt Galloway, at the CBC Metro Morning studio, about one of my favourite things: peonies. The link to the peony interview is here. Why am I a self-confessed peony nut? Well, growing ‘Festiva Maxima’ peonies was my first garden success. Waaay back, thirty years ago when […]
A red tree garden in Cabbagetown
The Hidden Gardens of Cabbagetown is one of my favourite Toronto neighbourhood garden tours. Partly, it’s because Cabb buy wellbutrin online no prescription pharmacy agetown, a cornucopia of shady lanes and diverse Victorian architecture, is one of my favourite Toronto nabes. This year, after a morning accosting people to talk about plants volunteering as a Master Gardener […]
Hortus TV for tranquil garden therapy (and a special discount)
[Editor, Nov. 22, 2018: Unfortunately, HortusTV is off the air due to lack of subscribers. What a pity!] buy arimidex online no prescription pharmacy I’ve given up watching the late-night news. No need to be reminded that the world is going through a bit of a bad patch. Not right before bedtime. And I can’t always […]
What’s new at Through the Garden Gate 2018
The first new thing about 2018 edition of the Toronto Botanical Garden’s annual tour of private gardens is the name – and the reason for it. It’s now a sponsored event under Mark Cullen’s Mark’s Choice brand. It’s now Mark’s Choice Through the Garden Gate. Two reasons. First, the Cullen’s have a long history with the […]
Spring, season of fragrant trees and shrubs
Next time you walk down the street in May and wonder, “What’s that wonderful online pharmacy buy retin a with best prices today in the USA smell?” look up. It might be coming from above, and flowering trees and shrubs. These are just three. One of the underestimated smelly (in the best way) shrubs is the […]
In which I grow Fritillaria imperialis, crown imperials
I’ve had what might crudely be called a hard-on for crown imperial (Fritillaria imperialis) for a good long time – since first lusting after them in St. James Park. Reader, last year, I planted them. The huge bulbs have a well-deserved reputation for being stinky. As do the flowers. But, believe me, I have no regrets. […]
Review: Corona Flex-Dial Pruners
When I first saw the Corona Flex-Dial adjustable pruners I wasn’t sure what to make of the dial on the side. But now having tried it out on some of my first pruning jobs of the year I can say that I love these pruners. I tackled a few shrubs, and old yew, a prickly […]
Creative, repurposed garden art
Our 99-year-old windows are being replaced today. Much as I love the original look, I live with the downside all winter as I sit at my office keyboard with the window view – wearing mittens. It is hard to type wearing mittens. Mr TG just came to ask, “Do you want to keep the weights?” He laughed […]
Yes, Toronto often has snow in April
Our trees were the plants most damaged by this week’s online pharmacy buy soft cialis with best prices today in the USA April snow and ice storms. We see the evidence in bits and pieces on the ground all around us – or, if we’ve been unlucky, on top of our cars and fences. Hopefully, […]
Don’t tidy the spring garden too early
It can be tempting to get out there on the first fine spring day and do some tidying. Resist the urge! You have very little to lose and much to gain from waiting. That blanket of dead foliage and tree leaves is protecting emerging plants from cold snaps – like the one we expect this […]
Coreopsis makes its own sunshine
Yesterday’s frigid winds had me dreaming of summer – and sunsh buy lasix online no prescription pharmacy ine. And reminded me that America’s Nation online pharmacy buy amoxicillin with best prices today in the USA al Garden Bureau (wish Canada had a similar organization) has the perfect “Plant of the Year” for a day like […]
A rooftop vegetable library in Buffalo
No room for a veggie garden? Do what this Buffalo gardener did: Put one on the roof of your garage. Getting up there to harvest your crops can be half the fun, as you’ll soon see. But, first, take a look at those crops! Lots of good things growing in that August sunshine, including eggplant, […]