Rosetta McClain Gardens is worth knowing

The fountain garden at Rosetta McClain is often our turnaround for an 18K walk. The pause that refreshes!

Toronto is blessed with numerous public spaces, many of which are quite beautiful. You can bet I’m not the only one thankful for this. One of my favourites is Rosetta McClain Gardens in Scarborough, and it deserves to be better known. In fact, we said as much back in 2008, but it’s worth repeating. But I won’t repeat myself here – check out our old post for a bit more detail.

A note of appreciation is also owed to my walking group The Shore Things, good friends who from time to time make indirect appearances on this blog. We, that is I, often natter on talk about the plants and gardens we pass as we put in our klicks walking all over the city. Plus, they’re good sports about being forced into photo opportunities, especially when flowers are involved.

Visiting Rosetta (as we call her) with my walking buds brings my two great loves together. Of course, one of those buds is Mr. TG himself, which makes three. So who says three’s not company?


  1. I was introduced to "Rosetta" several years ago and it's a jewel of a park in the east end.

    And, similar to you, my family had to endure many "photo ops", bless them!

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