All-green fall planters at Allan Gardens A little almost-wordless wow for another grey Wednesday in November. Do online pharmacy buy symbicort with best prices today in the USA n’t you love the textures here? And these babies will take a little nippy weather, especially here where they’re a little sheltered. buy zoloft online no […]
What the heck is that silvery plant?
Why, it’s silver thistle (Carlina acaulis). Here’s how I found out. Wish my photo gave you a better idea of its metallic sheen. Don’t know about you, but when it comes to knowing how to identify unknown plants (or bugs or plant diseases or…), I love to play detective. I photograph a lot of plants, and […]
Autumn berries for your garden palette
Black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) – a North American native shrub – with glossy black pomes and bright fall foliage First, to confess. These fruits are highly decorative in the fall garden, but none of them are berries. As botanically defined, berries are fleshy fruits and seeds produced from a single ovary. Currants, blueberries and gooseberries […]
Wish I’d planted autumn crocus
Autumn crocus (Crocus speciosus) blooming in November 2013 Especially after having written a Trellis Magazine article that mentions them among “the other bulbs” that are oft neglected in gardens, you’d think I’d have rushed right out and bought me a bundle of autumn crocuses (Crocus speciosus) and their cousins Colchicum speciosum. I could be enjoying […]
Garden colour without flowers
The Toronto Botanical Garden on a rainy (but clearly not grey) day in November Think November is drab? It doesn’t have to be, if you play your cards right. Look at the lusciousness in the photo above, without the use of a single flower – well, discounting the dried heads of a red-tinged oakleaf hydrangea […]
Royal Winter Fair 2013 Preview
Guy McClean directs his team using the slightest touch While cattle mooed in the background, the Royal Winter Fair rep at the new President’s Choice Animal Theatre told us about the attractions at the fair this year. And as we listened, Guy McClean, the Horse Whisperer from Australia, warmed up with his four horse “mates.” […]
Garden travel: Indianapolis Museum of Art
For our 600th post on Toronto Gardens, and the final one for NaBloPoMo 2011, I wanted – well, I wanted to do everything. National Blog Posting Month, for those wondering, is the challenge of writing a blog post a day, without fail, for the entire month of November. It’s a sister-act or copycat buy symbicort […]
Close encounters of the hummingbird kind
A pre-dawn hummer goes for the nectar at the Indianapolis Museum of Art Long, thoughtful posts, full of depth and perspective, aren’t always possible at the best of times. They’re even harder when you’re trying to post every day for thirty days as a sort of shadow NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month – a poor […]
Public Garden: Ashbridge Estate
If you’ve travelled along Queen Street East, you’ve passed the white-picket fence enclosed Ashbridge Estate. This is the family homestead of one of the east end’s earliest settlers. The Ashbridges – from whom Ashbridge’s Bay gets its name – were Loyalists from Pennsylvania, granted 600 acres that stretched from the waterfront of Lake Ontario to Danforth […]
Awards: Double-edged petals
I was thrilled on waking this morning to learn that my hosta photo had won Gold, amid stiff competition, in the Gardening Gone Wild Picture This photo contest for November 2009! This, on top of Best Blog awards last week, conferred by Deborah of Kilbourne Grove/Green Theatre and The Violet Fern, for which we are […]
Worth Repeating: Going Squirrelly
It’s squirrel feeder bird feeder time again. So (as Sarah has been at a seminar all day, and I have been tending to family things) we thought you might enjoy re-reading this post of Sarah’s from the spring. It’s called: A Bit of a Chat with a Squirrel at my Bird Feeder Me: Oh, […]
TGI Friday Flowers: Spicing up the urn
A quick post to show off my fall urn, in a rather crummy photo, shot between raindrops, with frosted edges to disguise my neighbour’s recycling bin. I hope you’ll believe me: this looks better in real life. online pharmacy buy wellbutrin with best prices today in the USA The inspiration to get cracking and fill […]