Garden travel: Indianapolis Museum of Art

IndyMuseumArtSignFor our 600th post on Toronto Gardens, and the final one for NaBloPoMo 2011, I wanted – well, I wanted to do everything. National Blog Posting Month, for those wondering, is the challenge of writing a blog post a day, without fail, for the entire month of November. It’s a sister-act or copycat

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younger cousin to National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). That my 30th post fell on the same day as our 600th post seemed too good an occasion to miss.

But, as usual, “everything” has its limits. So, instead of that, I’d just like to share a few images from one of the many, ma

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ny gardens I was privileged to visit this year, this one on the grounds of the Indy Museum of Art in Indiana.

In fact, it was a lovely surprise, beautiful and varied. From formal gardens to carefully tended wilderness, the IMA offered more than we could see in one morning – even by getting there (before the sun did) at 6:15 am for a photo expedition. I hope you enjoy them. For those viewing on the iPad, you might have to visit Flickr to view.

Goodbye, November. I’ll be happier than usual to see December 1st.


  1. I wish I had realized it was NaBloPoMo. I would have made a special effort. For only one month. I have a friend who wrote a first draft of her novel in November. Ambition!

  2. Congratulations on reaching 2 momentous milestones in one post!

    I've thoroughly enjoyed each of your posts and like you, I too am relieved November is over 🙂

    Seeing Trees looks lovely and I'm sorely tempted, but I suspect it's lovely to look at, but not so practical for this side of the pond, depsite the many arboreta and plant collectors' gardens we have.

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