Why is the Lake Shore median blue?

We have spray-on tans and spray-on hair. Now, spray-on grass seed! That’s what you see when driving along Lake Shore Blvd. E. at Leslie (and perhaps further, I haven’t looked) this fall. That blue stuff (or green or teal) is a mix of grass se buy arim buy stromectol online azpsych.org/general/october/html/stromectol.html no prescription pharmacy idex […]

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Yes, it’s artificial turf, but…

Lovely home, lovely garden, lovely expanse of green “lawn” online pharmacy buy cipro with best prices today in the USA I’v buy female cialis online www.sip.sal online pharmacy buy cialis soft with best prices today in the USA .edu.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/jpg/female-cialis.html no prescription pharmacy e seen a few artificial lawns about town. They’re surprisingly lifelike! It takes […]

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The green, green grass of Manulife Financial

The headquarters of Manulife Financial on Bloor Street East If you’ve walked or driven along that windy strip of Bloor Street, east of Church, you’ve seen the velvety carpet of green in the gated surrounds of the Manulife Financial headquarters. It’s often called the best lawn in the city, and there’s a reason. It’s creeping […]

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A Lawn is a Turf is a Groundcover is a Meadow

Getting to know many bloggers in Cali buy singulair online www.archbrows.com/upload/Specials/jpg/singulair.html no prescription pharmacy fornia has introduced me to the concept of lawn controversy: the fact that there is a strong and vocal movement against having lawns altogether. One of my first posts about lawns here got a heated comment from Twitter friend and California […]

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Barefoot in Clover – Seedling progress

Note: The big clover leaves are from seed sown last year. online pharmacy buy clindamycin with best prices today in the USA It’s been 3 weeks since I online pharmacy buy finasteride with best prices today in the USA sowed my white clover seed on online pharmacy buy keflex with best prices today in the […]

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Learning to get a-lawn

Grass seed likes to germinate when the soil is warm (about 15˚C or 60˚F) but the air is cool. Warm soil encourages strong root growth, while the cool air keeps the tops from over-growth. That’s why spring (April-June) is the second-best time to sew a lawn. In Toronto, August-September are the sweetest months. However, spring […]

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