Two Silvers for Toronto Gardens in the 2017 GWA Media Awards

Well, we’re ch buy soft cialis online no prescription pharmacy uffed. The Association for Garden Communicators (aka GWA) announced their 2017 Silver Medal Media Awards last week while I was out of town, and Toronto Gardens made the list. Twice! One Silver Medal for Overall Blog, a nice thumbs-up for our blog redesign, and one for […]

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Awards: Double-edged petals

I was thrilled on waking this morning to learn that my hosta photo had won Gold, amid stiff competition, in the Gardening Gone Wild Picture This photo contest for November 2009! This, on top of Best Blog awards last week, conferred by Deborah of Kilbourne Grove/Green Theatre and The Violet Fern, for which we are […]

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TGI Friday Flowers: Spicing up the urn

A quick post to show off my fall urn, in a rather crummy photo, shot between raindrops, with frosted edges to disguise my neighbour’s recycling bin. I hope you’ll believe me: this looks better in real life. online pharmacy buy wellbutrin with best prices today in the USA The inspiration to get cracking and fill […]

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2009 Blotanicals: Fourth place rules!

The 2009 Blotanical Awards were announced yesterday. Toronto Gardens was one of the five finalists in the Best Canadian Blog category – something we were absolutely thrilled with. In fact, we were number five in the first round. After the final voting, we moved from fifth place to fourth place. I can’t tell you what […]

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Your votes mean a lot to us!

As our mum would have said, Sarah and I are frilled, just frilled to be among the five garden blog finalists for the Blotanical Awards 2009 in the Best Canadian Blog category. Thank you for your votes in phase one of the process! As relative new kids on the garden block, we’re honoured to be […]

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