New-world asters aren’t Aster anymore. They are, among other things, Symphyotrichum as in Symphyotrichum novae-angliae or New England aster. Because these new-ish names are a bit of a mouthful, I prefer the term used (and perhaps created) by my friend Gail of Clay and Limestone: Ex-asters.
It’s for Gail’s Wildflower Wednesday that I post this almost-wordless paeon to the ex-asters I visited a couple of weeks ago in the Toronto Botanical Garden’s Woodland Walk. If you visit Gail’s meme link, you’ll see that her post this month is all about pollinators, and also stars these stars of the fall garden (“aster” being Latin for “star”).

For more on Ontario asters, check out this section of Walter Muma’s always informative Ontario Wildflowers. And be sure to visit Gail’s Wildflower Wednesday link above to see what’s wild an
d growing in gardens all over.
I was so excited to see your link to Wildflower Wednesday…What a beautiful post. The Botanical garden is a treasure and I love their Woodland Walk. xoxo
Gail, I’m always impressed with the great pollinator info you share every Wildflower Wednesday. Thanks for hosting it, and thanks for dropping by! I hope that anyone reading this post will go check you out.
How lovely – there are some asters growing in our wooded area. I have always described them as the “typical” wild asters that we see in Ontario, although now that I have read Walter’s article, I’ll have to take a closer look. I’ll have to check to see if they are still blooming to give them a closer look.
Doesn’t it seem that flowers are never a hero in their own country, too? We take things like asters and goldenrod for granted, and yet they’re so beautiful and, in places, plentiful. I know that our gardening aunts from the UK got all excited seeing goldenrod grow wild here. For them, it’s a wonderful garden plant.
Beautiful garden!
I agree, Deborah, and was lucky to catch it at is autumn peak.