My bargain Clivia might have a virus

These mottled leaves on my Clivia could be telling me a sad, sad story. Oh, dear. You might know of my constant quest for unkillable houseplants. When I find one purported to be Helenproof, I’m on it like bees (or Battersbys) on honey. How thrilled I was to hear about Clivia, an easy-to-care-for flowering bulb […]

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Houseplants for houseplant killers

My Hoya carnosa or wax plant is pushing the Big 3-0 Like the Brave Little Tailor in the fairytale, I should wear a sash reading, Helen the Houseplant Killer. It’s my specialty, particularly in creative ways. Most houseplant killers do it with too much love – by over-watering. My poison, on t’other hand, is neglect. […]

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The topic is tropical (houseplants, that is)

Words are funny things. They come into the language, and change shape and meaning over time. Most of us know what it means to call someone ruthless. Fewer would describe someone as full of ruth. Ruth (pity and compassion) has slipped out of common usage. In the gardening world, we call houseplants tropicals, yet even […]

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Blooms Day: Mid-December in Toronto

Okay. It isn’t a bloom. In fact, my Hoya has never bloomed. I inherited it from my mother more than 20 years ago (and I don’t think it ever bloomed for her, either). Considering my notorious neglect of houseplants, the fact that it still lives is an accomplishment. Yet, if you’ve read our blog you […]

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BigBox Botanical Garden Collage

For all you Mac users: behold my success at fooling iPhoto into creating a photo collage, something it doesn’t profess to do. There are a number of third-party software choices available to let you do this… but I found a quick, easy and no-cost solution. Just pour your photos into a page template for a […]

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Hoya vey: Don’t try this at home

I have barbecued my mother’s 25-year-old Hoya. I mean it. Literally barbecued. It looks decidedly miffed. Having brought this otherwise indestructible plant out for its usual summer vacation, I had thought perhaps it needed a shaded transition spot. And there was the ledge beneath our rickety gas BBQ. Oooh, thinks me, looks nice there. And […]

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Take it Outside! Your Houseplants’ Summer Vacation

Monstera Philodendron and Orange Abutilon spending the summer on my canopied deck. You’ve got overwintered geraniums and houseplants that have been cooped up indoors for months. You’ve noticed they’ve started packing their bags and are impatiently awaiting their summer vacation. They’re ready to burst through the screen door and start soaking up that gentle spring […]

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