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Nose Candy. No, not that kind.
What is there to inspire the gardener in the sterile outdoor environment that is winter? I remembered yesterday, when Sarah brought over a sprig of my favourite of all scented geraniums, online pharmacy buy voltaren with best prices today in the USA Pelargonium online pharmacy buy tizanidine with best prices today in the USA ‘Rober’s […]
Love/Hate in Raccoon City
Toronto, once again standing in for some American city in the movie Resident Evil, was seen bearing the emblem “Raccoon City.” So fitting. Our city has one of the world’s most abundant raccoon populations, or so they say. At least five of them are now living and poohing on the roof of our little cedar […]
I was led into the garden by gnomes. Not today’s horror movie refugees, but 1930s pixie-on-toadstool fantasies. I was eight, and they were in my grandmother’s garden in Rhyl, a North Wales seaside town. Gran was a funny little lady, always in her pinny, hair in curlers, squinting into the smoke of a cigarette. But […]
Blood Sweat and Tears or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Spring Chores
Gardening Instructions generally fall into two camps: the first goes into so much detail that you are tired and feeling inadequate even before you start, and the second is full of non-threatening but vague and wispy words. Words that are meant to make a difficult, possibly back-breaking, nail-breaking and sweat–inducing task sound like the easiest […]