Why you should do the grade-school bean experiment

Did you do this in grade school? You should do it again. Watching beans grow inside a jar is like Jack and the Beanstalk meets x-ray visi buy clenbuterol online doctorgreenwald.com/Layouts/OutboundEmails/html/clenbuterol.html no prescription pharmacy on. I did it recently to get pictures for a Gardening with Children Master Gardener presentation I was writing. But with the beans growing right beside me on my desk, […]

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Canada Blooms-ing with children

The theme is A Family Affair at Canada Blooms 2019, a little more than a week away. Just for the event, I’ve written a brand new talk on Gardening with Children for the Toronto Master Gardeners’ presentation library – you can see it (and me) on the Harrowsmith Garden Solutions Stage at noon on Tuesday, March 12th. My talk is just one […]

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Opuntia will come back from the dead

If this seems a gruesome way to begin, it’s because of my “undying” admiration of the paddle cactus or prickly pear (Opuntia spp.). D buy lexapro online www.clerkenwellislingtonclinics.co.uk/ online pharmacy buy modafinil with best prices today in the USA wp-content/uploads/2024/08/jpg/lexapro.html no prescription pharmacy id you know that southern Ontario has a native cactus (in the wild, it’s […]

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A treehouse on the Toronto Islands

No grown-ups allowed! At t buy lasix online azpsych.org/general/october/html/lasix.html no prescription pharmacy he 2013 Toronto Islands garden tour in May, we enjoy online pharmacy buy furosemide with best prices online pharmacy buy amoxil with best prices today in the USA today in the USA ed a closer look (as close as grown-ups are permitted) at […]

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Royal Winter Fair 2013 Preview

Guy McClean directs his team using the slightest touch While cattle mooed in the background, the Royal Winter Fair rep at the new President’s Choice Animal Theatre told us about the attractions at the fair this year. And as we listened, Guy McClean, the Horse Whisperer from Australia, warmed up with his four horse “mates.” […]

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Idea File: Ten from Canada Blooms 2013

Shawn Gallaugher’s new venture Otium Exercise Gardens creates spaces that look like a garden, but act like a gym. A few of the gardens this year incorporated some aspect of fitness and outdoor living. Today’s Friday Idea File brings you ten things of note from this first day of Canada Blooms 2013. With one wee […]

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These onions were made for walking

Upside down in this pic, these onion sets form at the top of the stem There aren’t too many do-nothing perennial vegetables, but one of them is the Egyptian walking onion, Allium cepa var. proliferum. That variety name, proliferum, isn’t because these onions produce well, although they do. It comes from the botanical term online […]

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Garden magic tricks: Lady in a bathtub

Gather round, kids. Now you too can amaze your friends with this simple garden sleight of hand: turn a flower into Dutchman’s breeches or Lady in the Bathtub. Just watch… Nothing up my sleeve. Lookee here: in this hand, one blossom of Dicentra spectabilis, or bleeding heart. Yes, kid, the white works just like the […]

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