I’ve heard thi buy azithromycin online rxbio.com/css/css/a online pharmacy buy buspar with best prices today in the USA zithromycin.html no prescription pharmacy s from others about alliums aka ornamental onions – though the Virginia, USA, gardener responsible for these was mystified when I told her. Alliums can self-seed. In my sandy, part-sun and tiny back garden, […]
Another use for Luffa (or loofah)
This desiccated winter planter turned my head near George Brown College a few weeks ago. Not for its artistry, but for the realization: Hey, those red “pine cones” are loofahs! Loofahs! Not sea creatures, but the fibrous cores of mature gourds such as Luffa aegyptiaca – all in the cucumber or squash family. We associate loofahs with sponges because they hang […]
Make a woven leaf wreath
Quick! Before all those beautiful fall leaves get crunchy or covered by snow! Run out and gather a handful of the prettiest leaves to make this wreath. I made a leaf wreath yesterday, inspired by online pal and brilliant contemporary basketmaking artist Kari Lønning. (Skip over to Kari’s Facebook page for examples of her work.) Here’s how I did […]
Book Review: Terrariums (and I make some, too)
In a tableau I might call “Pardon My Dust” (which you might not have noticed if I’d not pointed it out) I hope to show that even my most lowly terrarium creation in the brandy snifter can add something cool to a tabletop setting. A shocking months and months have passed since I received my […]
My foraged wreath with My Luscious Backyard
At the My Luscious Backyard, workshop magic began with this foraged wreath kit – a great package of scavenged materials On December 5th, 2015, Mr TG dropped me off at Propellor Coffee in the west end – and lucky for me he did, as I found on my way home with my delicate foraged wreath […]
Paper vines usher out Emerald as color of the year
“Call her green and the winters cannot fade her…” ~ Joni Mitchell, Little Green Green was the theme for the New Year’s Eve bash thrown at our place by our Number One Dot before she takes off next week for London, England. Although the dishes have long since been washed, the leftovers eaten and empties […]
In which I make a fragrant-ish wreath
online online pharmacy buy vermox with best prices today in the USA pharmacy buy bactrim with best prices today in the USA My completed fragrant-ish wreath (and a great reflec buy stendra online shadidanin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/jpg/stendra.html no prescription pharmacy tion of the new kindergarten wing across the street) A couple of weeks ago, Twitter started it all […]
Making snowflake flowers (or flower snowflakes)
A lily-flowered tulip was my first model for a snowflower If you need cheap, cheerful fun for a chilly day, there’s nothing easier than making paper snowflakes. Few crafts are so inexpensive – or so sure of success. All you need is a sheet of paper, sharp scissors and your imagination – which can get […]
Contest alert: Concrete Garden Projects
Reykjavik’s soaring Lutheran Hallgrimskirkja, tallest building in Iceland Icelanders build cathedrals out of concrete. Striking, creative and – most crucially in that seismically excitable area – resilient ones. That’s why you shouldn’t turn your nose up at this adaptable, inexpensive material when it comes to the garden. I’ve been itching to make some garden art […]