I might have to spray-paint my Alliums

I’ve heard thi buy azithromycin online rxbio.com/css/css/a online pharmacy buy buspar with best prices today in the USA zithromycin.html no prescription pharmacy s from others about alliums aka ornamental onions – though the Virginia, USA, gardener responsible for these was mystified when I told her. Alliums can self-seed. In my sandy, part-sun and tiny back garden, […]

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Another use for Luffa (or loofah)

This desiccated winter planter turned my head near George Brown College a few weeks ago. Not for its artistry, but for the realization: Hey, those red “pine cones” are loofahs! Loofahs! Not sea creatures, but the fibrous cores of mature gourds such as Luffa aegyptiaca – all in the cucumber or squash family. We associate loofahs with sponges because they hang […]

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Make a woven leaf wreath

Quick! Before all those beautiful fall leaves get crunchy or covered by snow! Run out and gather a handful of the prettiest leaves to make this wreath. I made a leaf wreath yesterday, inspired by online pal and brilliant contemporary basketmaking artist Kari Lønning. (Skip over to Kari’s Facebook page for examples of her work.) Here’s how I did […]

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In which I make a fragrant-ish wreath

online online pharmacy buy vermox with best prices today in the USA pharmacy buy bactrim with best prices today in the USA My completed fragrant-ish wreath (and a great reflec buy stendra online shadidanin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/jpg/stendra.html no prescription pharmacy tion of the new kindergarten wing across the street) A couple of weeks ago, Twitter started it all […]

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Contest alert: Concrete Garden Projects

Reykjavik’s soaring Lutheran Hallgrimskirkja, tallest building in Iceland Icelanders build cathedrals out of concrete. Striking, creative and – most crucially in that seismically excitable area – resilient ones. That’s why you shouldn’t turn your nose up at this adaptable, inexpensive material when it comes to the garden. I’ve been itching to make some garden art […]

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