This continues our series about why, despite everything, we keep returning to Canada Blooms: 2. Rekindling the passion Within the spidery network of the Internet, I’ll probably regret using this term, but one thing you’re always sure to get at Canada Blooms is what I call “garden pornography.” We go to get all lathered up […]
Canada Blooms: Why we go
I’ve visited Canada Blooms almost every year since it began; often as a volunteer, sometimes as a civilian. After a few start-up pains (like that first year way out by the airport) and a few glory years (remember Janet Rosenberg’s spectacular garden designs for Loblaws?), Canada’s largest indoor garden show has settled into something of […]
Canada Blooms Does the Rare Canadian Gerbera
True to form, Canada Blooms continues it’s fantasy-land MO, by using Gerberas a buy doxycycline online buy cialis soft online no prescription pharmacy ope/pdf/doxycycline.html no prescription pharmacy s its flower motif this year: a flower that never EVER blooms in Canada during ANY season, except in flowerpots. And they are not even that […]
Only 6 weeks till the Phantasmagoria that is “Canada Blooms”
Phantasmagoria: 1. a shifting series of phantasms, illusions, or deceptive appearances, as in a dream or as created by the imagination. 2. a changing scene made up of many elements. While the second definition is an adequate description of the experience of Toronto’s March Garden event, the first one is more apt, and I’ll explain […]