Canada Blooms: Why we go, 2

This continues our series about why, despite everything, we keep returning to Canada Blooms: 2. Rekindling the passion Within the spidery network of the Internet, I’ll probably regret using this term, but one thing you’re always sure to get at Canada Blooms is what I call “garden pornography.” We go to get all lathered up […]

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Canada Blooms: Why we go

I’ve visited Canada Blooms almost every year since it began; often as a volunteer, sometimes as a civilian. After a few start-up pains (like that first year way out by the airport) and a few glory years (remember Janet Rosenberg’s spectacular garden designs for Loblaws?), Canada’s largest indoor garden show has settled into something of […]

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Canada Blooms Does the Rare Canadian Gerbera

True to form, Canada Blooms continues it’s fantasy-land MO, by using Gerberas a buy doxycycline online buy cialis soft online no prescription pharmacy ope/pdf/doxycycline.html no prescription pharmacy s its flower motif this year: a flower that never EVER blooms in Canada during ANY season, except in flowerpots. And they are not even that […]

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