Fighting invasive tree-of-heaven

This summer, I’ve been battling tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima) like never before. We’ve written before about this struggle, but I’ve never seen it keep coming back so aggressively from the root – till now. Ailanthus is an alien species (read more about it in our previous post), that has become a regular citizen of Toronto’s unguarded laneways and unclaimed […]

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Wordless Weedsday: Acer platanoides

Yes, buy advair rotahaler o online pharmacy buy cytotec with best prices today in the USA nline no prescription pharmacy weedsday; you read that right. Norway maples, Acer platanoides, Toronto’s most domin online pharmacy buy flagyl with best prices today in the USA ant (in so many senses) street tree. You can’t garden in […]

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Mulch ado about weeding

What’s black and white and mulch all over? Yes, newspapers. With a family addition nearly due to distract them, our neighbours G. and W. are cleverly smothering a former weed patch in their garden with newspapers, topped buy wegovy online no prescription pharmacy with a few inches of woodchips. That should keep weeds down […]

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