Herding 60 cats bloggers into our Minneapolis Fling group shot in the sunken garden of the Marjorie McNeeley Conservatory in Saint Paul’s Como Park meant we ran out of time to do Como Park’s Japanese Garden justice. At least, I felt so. But all was not lost. Perhaps it’s the dry shade in me, but I heard the sunlit waterlilies […]
A pool garden with imperfect symmetry
Sometimes a photographer doesn’t mind a brightly clad garden writer in the shot to add perspective and scale. We were lined up several deep to take this money shot. Patience is a virtue. Huge thanks go to horticultural therapist Margaret Nevett who, years ago at a Master Gardener meeting, suggested that I join the Garden Writers […]
Your garden needs more frogs
You’re lucky if you have frogs in your garden. They help keep down the bugs. Even metal ones. Frogs and toads, like ferns, usually prefer moist spaces. (You can help by offering them a toad house for shelter from hot, baking sunshine. Make one easily using a broken plant pot, set on its side like […]
Garden ideas under the boardwalk (boardwalk!)
Boardwalk provides the pathways around this pond in buy kamagra polo online bereniceelectrolysis.com/formvalidation/dist/html/kamagra-polo.html no prescription pharmacy a Toronto Island garden If you count the Islands and the ins and outs of inlets and bays, Toronto’s Lake Ontario shoreline stretches for an astonishing 138 km, according to the City. Long stretches of it in the eastern […]