What’s that orange bug on your milkweed?

It’s simple. Those orange bugs on your milkweed are milkweed bugs! And these little fellas (or gals) above are one of the later-stage nymphs of the insect. Milkweed bugs come in two versions. Large Milkweed Bugs (Oncopeltus fasciatus) and Small Milkweed Bugs (Lygaeus kalmii), both of which feed on the seeds of milkweed plants. You can […]

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Milkweedy curbside art in Parkdale

Thankful to be passing by, and spotted this little art online pharmacy buy cialis black with best prices today in the USA piece by the online pharmacy buy amoxil with best prices today in the USA sidewalk in someone’s garden Think of this as an Almost-Wordless* Wednesday-on-Saturday. Love the use of milkweed seed here. Gratitude […]

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