A big, blue transferware vase that was a lucky thrift store find (on an old high chair thrown out by a neighbour) |
You definitely need a big vase. And you don’t need anything expensive to fill it. I gathered long stems of dill, their seeds in tone
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with best prices today in the USAs of brown and chartreuse for this, with a couple of not-yet-blighted branches from my corkscrew hazel. (I keep those on hand, as they make any ordinary bouquet look special.)
My large stoneware and saltware jugs are simple frames for bouquets of wildflowers. And I used to have a tall vase in clear glass, perfect when elegance is in order. Alas, it met an untimely end.
What large vase do you have that you love?
Oh, in our house, vases have a short half-life. I use a lot of cheapies, but we may have one left from our wedding that has, inexplicably, survived. Yours is lovely.
Nice to see you, Stefaneer, and thanks! Never fear, we do cheap here. This is actually one of my more expensive buys at $25, but usually my thrift shop rule is $5 and under. Occasionally, I'll go to $9.99.
Some of my big vases are old jugs inherited from our Gran, from whom we inherited our picker's genes. She was an inveterate and skilled "boot sale" shopper.
But big vases can be as simple as a recycled olive oil can, an oversized pickling jar or, hey, even a galvanized bucket. Once the flowers are in, who notices!
I had a huge glass vase (almost big enough to store a few umbrellas in). One move too many, and the tube separated from the base ;~((
Oh dear, Diana. May it rest in pieces! I wonder if it would make a good garden ornament? A base for a birdbath?