More garden inspiration from Through the Garden Gate 2010 in “my” neighbourhood, the
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Some of the tiniest gardens were the most intriguing due to the added challenge of space – or lack thereof. The Asian-inspired garden above is one of five or six on this year’s tour designed by local landscape designer Kim Price. Love that reflective
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table, too.
For more garden touring, visit Day One and the Press Preview.
Amazing! They really speak to how important it is to get the hardscaping right. I just love the vine with the little blue willow plate peeking out. 🙂
Your photos are fabulous! Looking at them tomight was almost as good as going on the tour today.
This is great Helen. I love looking at other peoples gardens.
It certainly is garden tour season everywhere. I love the way your blog shows different views. All beautiful, may I say.
Went this year for the first time and was really impressed with the gardens. I never realized how naturalized some of the Beach area was – the gardens were magnificent. Your pictures are terrific.
Enjoyed the slide show very much and appreciate the time that it must have taken to create it.