By September, I’m usually the Girl from Ipomoea, with a garden totally, er, beribboned and festooned (aka choked) with morning glories.
Mine are not the ones pictured here. They’re the pretty but common Ipomoea tricolour, likely old-fashioned Grandpa Ott, the first seeds of which were probably sown about the time the foundations of our house were laid in the late 1920s. Grandpa and I have a complicated, love-hate relationship.
Perhaps he knows that in truth I’m always pining for this blue-eyed stunner, Ipomoea ‘Heavenly Blue’. Whenever I see it in someone
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else’s garden I get a little, well, weak in the knees. This is blue; heavenly, heavenly blue.
But, thinks I, why should I plant more morning glories. Really, I need more morning glories like I need heavenly blue holes in the head. So I don’t.
Sigh. My rational mind is seriously flawed sometimes.
Its a real knock-your-socks-off blue indeed!
I have similar Ipomoeas rambling, clambering and taking over my fence. I sometimes fear that the whole thing will collapse under its weight. But oh! what a glorious sight to see it in full bloom!
The thought that you have morning glories growing around your house from seed originally planted by your grandpa in the 1920's is a thought sweeter than sugar.
Sunita, What a lovely picture that must be. Are they all 'Heavenly Blue'. I think I've feeling a little faint.
Donna, Not my grandpa, but I'm sure someone's grandpa. 'Grandpa Ott' is an old variety of the common annual white, pink and purple morning glory. It's very pretty, but it isn't 'Heavenly Blue'.
What stunning photos. I love morning glories. I saw one yesterday that was a spectacular violet and blue mixture. I know I don't really need more plants, but I buy them anyway.
I've grown 'Heavenly Blue' for two summers now. I love the flowers, but I find it doesn't make nearly as many flowers as 'Crimson Rambler' and 'Grandpa Ott'.
I understand the lusting of certain colors in the garden. I am always lusting after the pale roses people grow, which deer inhale around here.
Yay..someone who is just as awestruck and crazy for Blue Morning G's as me!I cannot survive a summer without them! Loved your post! Nice to meet a kindred with a Morning Glory soul!
They are stunning. Maybe you could ruthlessly rip out some of the originals so you feel as though you have room for some Heaven in your garden?
A friend in California had a beatiful morning glory vine growing across her garage trellis. I loved how the flowers opened deep true blue then changed to purple, then a bit of magenta as the flowers wilted.