Toronto garden on the newsstands

A lustworthy Toronto garden I’ve seen twice on the Riverdale garden tour – and still dream about – is the cover story on the Summer 2009 issue of Canadian Gardening magazine. If Sarah were here, I’d get her to Tweet about it. Wish I had pictures to post, but I do suggest you have a peep at the magazine to see what (Toronto garden) dreams are made of.

It’s so amazing, it would be easy to dismiss as a designer garden, not “real gardens by real people.” But the neat thing is that while the owner is a designer (albeit textiles) she and her husband did it all themselves. Well, I think they probably had help with the pool and whirlpool.

If you have time (and don’t mind sitting through a cute Caramilk commercial), this little video [note: the video is no longer available, but you can read the rest of the article by following the link] from the 2008 Through The Garden Gate tour in Riverdale gives you a glimpse of the garden, along with interviews of the gardener and a couple of other gardens on the tour.


  1. Although I no longer subscribe to the magazine, I did flip through it at the local grocer – what a stunning garden. Thanks for the link to the video – very beautiful gardens, and as Judit aptly said , ' gardens should reflect your personality!'

  2. Hi Helen, I watched the video (no commercial showed!) and absolutely fell in love with the garden shown and the speakers. How relaxing and lovely that garden is. Riverdale must be a dream spot. 🙂

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