Yikes: No more room!

Really, the Microgarden reached its micro-acreage set point some time ago. But how could I resist these sky blue Penstemon? How could I not see how perfectly the perfect spiky form and perfect complementary blue would fit between my two yellow-tending hostas, Janet and June?

Trouble is, there are already about four things over-planted there: Two purple-leafed Sedum ‘Black Jack’, a like-coloured Geranium ‘Okey Dokey’ to name but two. At the time, how could I not see how perfectly the perfect jagged forms and perfect contrasting purple would fit between my two yellow-tending… you get the picture.

I wasn’t looking for more plants, doctor. Honest. All I was doing was helping Sarah make some choices for the garden she’s renovating for friends across town. Then we stepped into East of Eliza’s Secret Garden garden centre. After many ooohs and ahhhhhs, these penstemons

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simply leapt into my arms.

What could I do? I’ll tell you wh

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at I’ll have to do, though. Much, much, much shuffling.


  1. It is nice to have some plants in pots, so we can shuffle them around to get the best effect, and there will always be more room for them..

    Happy Gardening,
    ~ bangchik

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