Garden things to be thankful for

On a day when I accomplished scarcely more than half a teaspoon of deadheading, here are things to be happy about:

• A cup of tea (Yorkshire red label) in the bee mug
• Very hot tea with just the right amount of milk
• Very hot tea with just the right amount of milk, in the garden
• Sunshine: not too hot, not too cold, just right
• A visit from a swallowtail butterfly
• The slow opening of christophii alliums
• The scent of ‘Helen’ pinks and mock orange
• Discovering for the first time the fragrance of corydalis
• No hammering in the neighbourhood
• Rustling maple trees
• Not letting the tea get cold this time
• A great macro lens for my DSLR
• Being free to make millions of mistakes: just delete, delete, delete the bad ones
• Gradually decoding the camera’s manual settings
• Not noticing the dirty dishes inside on the kitchen counter
TorontoGardens-BeeHappy• No

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t noticing the blank spots in the garden, the tatty tulip leaves or the place where raccoons sat on and squashed half of my dwarf butterfly bush; or not noticing … very much
• Noticing only the bright blue penstemon against the yellow hostas, the buds on the lilies, the round speech bubble l

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eaves of the ‘Paintbox’ nasturtium, the spray of ‘Paul’s Low’ catnip through the rose arbor, the ‘New Dawn’ rose getting ready to pop
• Another cup of tea in the bee mug

What makes you Bee Happy?


  1. The garden, early in the morning, after a rain. It stormed last night, and everything looks so clean this morning. Then again, any time in the garden or even looking at the garden makes me happy.

  2. I enjoyed your thankfulness post…we all need to focus on these things each day. There are always so many things to be happy about! We may not always think of them but if we try, they are there!

  3. Hi Helen! Enjoyed your post. Just having a garden, MY garden is alredy making me happy. The view from the window first thing in the morning. Beautiful foxgloves that I just posted about.

  4. I think right now I am most thankful for living where I live.

    Early Sunday mornings for the last few weeks I have been walking in the nearby ravine and watching it come to life with wild roses and false solomons seal, as well as watching the rabbits and ducks and, of course, listening to the birds. It's such a refreshing way to start the day.

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