Looks like I’m talking magic again. No smoke, just mirrors. Mirrors are a way to fool the eye, making a small space seem larger, even outdoors.
Here is my latest. Not some expensive glass globe. It’s an oversized plastic Christmas ornament snagged last season at Canadian Tire for $1.99. I’ve been saving it for the garden, where it’s now tucked happily into this pot of ivy.
Putting mirrors around your garden doesn’t have to make you feel like you’re in the funhouse scene in Lady from
Shanghai. Mirrors work best when they don’t really look like mirrors.
For example, I purchased a semicircular, commercial fish-eye mirror — the kind they have in stores — when the Don Mills Centre was being torn down. Set at ground level behind the foliage planted b
y the house, the mirror m
akes the narrow garden bed seem deeper.
Another old mirror hangs from my back fence in a dark corner, nearly concealed by the shed. Looking through that narrow pathway toward the hanging mirror reflects my own garden, and all the sunlight in it, right back
at me, and seems to be a magical doorway into the neighbour’s yard.
And there I am, back to the magic again.
Yes, I think the discreet use of mirrors is most effective in lending some sparkle and mystery to a garden. Anything overdone is simply distracting. And you’re right, it doesn’t have to be expensive to be charming.
BTW: Loved the magic of your ‘lady in a bathtub’ too 🙂
Fabulous idea using a large Christmas ornament in the garden. I bet you could find some good buys on mirrors at garage sales too.