One of the first of the big trees to bloom in spring around here, usually around March, is the native Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum).
These nubbly buds, which will open to reveal some of the least showy of the maple flowers, were photographed in our neighbourhood less than a week ago, before Spring officially arriv
As soon-to-be flowers, they’re almost undetectable; small tufts really. You could blink and miss them, if you didn’t know what to look for.
But, folks, they’re here to tell us that, despite the heaps of snow still on the ground, and
despite the sub-zero temps that go along with them, Spring rea
lly is here. At last.
Like I said, it isn’t much, but we’ll take it.
Besides, pussy willows were popping open when I was walking yesterday on the Spit. Green stuff is emerging as the snowbanks recede. Now, I’m going out with my camera to see what else I can
find. Stay tuned.